Nigerian Women: The Digital Skills Gap

Image credit: Google: WOCinTech Chat/Flickr

“Sub-Saharan Africa will witness more than 210 million jobs requiring digital skills and expertise, translating into an opportunity estimated at $130 billion to provide digital skills through a combination of business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and business-to-government training services.” — IFC

Digital literacy and capacity building have evolved over the years and with the help of education, technological know-how, and diverse experiences aided by digitization has launched productivity and effectiveness to the next level, people are more proactive in their respective fields.

Before the advent of the Internet, the foundation of educational systems for literacy skills is dependent on the three R’s ( R’s-Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic). Equipping every educated individual to be literate. Today, the wave of digital transformation is sweeping across every sector; exposing the digital skill gaps especially amongst women and the importance synchronizing the three R’s with the letter “D” — Digital.

Countries like the USA, China, India and Japan top the list of the fastest-growing economies of the world. Africa, an endowed continent with enormous potential, needs urgent digital intervention to heighten her business growth and profitability on the wings of digital transformation. According to a recent report by IFC; the year 2030, “Sub-Saharan Africa will witness more than 210 million jobs requiring digital skills and expertise, translating into an opportunity estimated at $130 billion to provide digital skills through a combination of business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and business-to-government training services.” — IFC

Learntor — Digital Marketing hub for Women

As the demand for digital skills increase in Africa and many corporations are comfortable hiring expatriates rather than Africans to fill these gaps, many government and non-governmental initiatives are working toward driving digital literacy across Africa to fill up the widening gap; Learntor, a one-stop digital marketing startup in Nigeria is also lending its expertise towards bridging the digital skill gap for women in business with real-time learning, hands-on practical experience, access to digital tools, and expert advice needed to scale the 21st century digital challenges facing their respective markets.

About Learntor — Digital Marketing Company

Although the development trajectories of countries across Africa differ. Every business sector across the continent from agriculture, to banking, manufacturing, retail and many others must enjoy the digital wave of change. The future of business growth in Africa is dependent on digital education via several pieces of training across all levels and providing the required digital support to women entrepreneurs in the continent.

“Technology touches everyone, everywhere, and I want to be part of that.” — Caitlyn, from Girls Who Code

African women in business need to be more innovative to compete with their global counterparts in every sector — the digital narratives in Africa need to change. African womenpreneurs can outshine the competition across business-to-consumer, business-to-business or business-to-government model sector in terms of the digital capacity building expected to enhance business growth, command global respect, accelerate local productivity level and alter the status quo.

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Published By Mercy George-Igbafe-LEARNTOR

Originally published at



Mercy George-Igbafe — C.E.O, LEARNTOR

LEARNTOR is #1 comprehensive Agile Digital Transformational training and consultancy company focused on capacity development to bridge the digital gap for women